Thursday, August 11, 2011

A Troubled Heart...

On Friday, August 5th Kathryn was seen by a cardiologist & was diagnosed with an atrial septal defect (a.k.a. ASD). It is a hole about 8mm on the septum separating her right atrium from her right ventricle. This connection between the two heart chambers is allowing blood to pool in the ventricle causing it to hypertrophy. Normally, this hole closes with in 2 weeks after birth. Hers never closed and wasn’t detected until last week when her pediatrician heard a murmur & ordered an EKG. She immediately referred Kathryn to a cardiologist. Providing it is far enough away from the cardiac veins & arteries & small enough, a cardiac surgeon will close the hole with a patch via a cardiac catherization. If it is to close too the arteries & veins & too large (making a cardiac cath too risky) he will proceed with open heart surgery. I have already made an appointment to consult a cardiac surgeon. She will see him on September 6th & our goal is to schedule the procedure as quickly as possible. Because an ASD isn’t life threatening the cardiologist said it doesn’t warrant emergency surgery but that it should be done with in the next 6 months. Of course, she is the most important little person in our little family of three but in the cardiac surgery world this is an elective procedure. Historically, people have gone undiagnosed & lived into their 30’s or 40’s until they become symptomatic from an ASD. Thankfully, medical advancements (& the trained ear of our pediatrician, If you live in Houston & need a pediatrician, I recommend Dr. Roula Sabbagh) have led to childhood diagnoses. We left the cardiologist appointment with a 24 hour heart monitor attached to Kathryn; “because you are very special,” Gramma told her. Thankfully, Gramma was with us at both appointments.

I’m sure you can imagine this comes as a HUGE shock to our family. Honestly, you’d never know that she had such a problem & that her heart was working overtime from the amount of energy she has zipping around here playing with toys & insisting that she carry some that are actually larger than her! I find myself tearing up at the thought of telling her about all that has transpired. I’ve told myself countless times since the diagnoses, that she is too young for this; her little body too small to endure what she likely will before her 4th birthday. I tear up just at watching her daily antics & entertainment shows. I appreciate more everyday what our life has been with her in our lives. She truly is a blessing!

Please feel free to leave your well wishes for Kathryn below. When we have put this behind us, she can read them & see just how much she is cared for! And, if you're new to blogging you can subscribe to Our Life's Wild Ride! Just fill in your email off to the left under "subscribe via email." If you are a blogger, be sure to leave your blog name so that I can visit you! 

Thanks so much for visiting and remember to ALWAYS enjoy your own life's wild ride!


  1. Still amazing to me, just crazy. She's got a lot of support behind her.

  2. Wow! Amazing and awesome that your doctor detected this! I have no doubt that you will walk Kathryn through this challenge victoriously. You can cook the macaroni!!!! xo

  3. Your family is in my thoughts and prayers. Kathryn is a strong and determined lady. Just look at the women in your family. Continue to see the many blessings....(great pediatrician, family....)

  4. I know how amazing Kathryn is from first hand experience. The Lord is blessing her with a healthy heart!

  5. David and Melissa ~~ God has given you this "journey" in the road of life, but He will also give you guidance, comfort, patience and strength to endure this. You are not alone on this journey and the power of prayer and your faith will sustain you at this difficult time.

    Kathryn ~~ When you get older and read this, we want you to know how proud we are of you wearing the halter monitor and not complaining even once. At the hospital you will be taken care of by special doctors and nurses. The doctors, nurses, and especially your Daddy and Mommy will be with you every step of the way. We know you will continue to be a “big girl” through this. You have a lot of people praying for you and you will be running around in no time carrying all that stuff upstairs by yourself!

    We love you ~ ~ “little silly willy”

    Gramma and Papa

  6. Hey Kathryn :)

    Just wanted to let you know how amazing you are :) Can't wait to see you and give you a big hug!!
    We are all praying for you in the Burke Household and there isn't a day that goes on that we aren't thinking about you!!

    Taylee aka Kaylee :)

  7. Hi Melissa and little kathryn, It's marion mixon from FaithMates. We missed ya'll in class today! It was a huge crowd, old and lots of new faces. Just wanted to let you know we prayed for Kathryn and the family today. We hope the next couple of weeks brings new hope and good news for you both and Kathryn. We miss you and please keep us updated!

  8. Dear Melissa and Family,

    I'm an online friend of Sheila and heard about your precious daughter through Love Rally. My heart breaks for your family with the stress and worry you must be going through right now. I'll be praying for the best for your very special Kathryn.

    Lots of love and ((((hugs)))) from Colorado Springs,
