Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Happy Mother’s Day!

To me Mother’s Day is a personal thing & not limited to just one day out of the year. It's really just another day, not because I don't appreciate motherhood, but because I am a mother everyday & I feel blessed by my daughter everyday. That's also why I didn't feel the need to get this out on Sunday. She has blessed our family. God trusted me to raise one of His children. That’s BIG! I appreciate the trust He has in me.

Kathryn made me a Mother's Day present at school…a beautiful new purse & a potholder!

I thought I would share some things I appreciate about motherhood…some are delightful, some pull at the heart strings, & some were incredibly embarrassing, nevertheless all of them are priceless; I appreciate them all, because without Kathryn & God they wouldn’t have happened…

*Offers to kiss my boo-boos when the boo-boo is on my foot & in the garden 5 minutes earlier.

*Tripping over toys & practically killing myself while doing so.

*Bringing me fresh cut flowers from the backyard that Daddy helped her cut.

*Leaving the children’s musical at church because she announced she wanted to go home & felt the entire auditorium of nearly 300 to know.

*Asking me a question only to ask me again because she wasn’t listening the first 5 times.

*Teaching me to have more patience when she helps me fold towels or load the dishwasher I’m particular about both.

*Requesting one more Popsicle even though she’s already had 4.

*Making bracelets & necklaces with her & hearing her declare that one of each was for her Daddy.

*Being told to do something the way she thinks it should be done. 

*Carrying her kicking & screaming out of church because I won’t let her have a doughnut.

*Dragging around a helium depleted balloon that she pretends is her puppy.

*Being asked to read one more story at bedtime after I just read 4.

*Being delightfully impressed with my child rearing when my daughter politely excuses us at the grocery store only for her to say it again loud enough to be heard 3 aisles over because the person didn’t hear her the first time.

Last but certainly not least...

I appreciate hearing a little voice call me mom, mommy, mama, & MOOOOOM! And, around the start of April she just started calling for me out of the blue & then she would say nothing...no response when I asked her what she wanted. She’d just continue playing as if I wasn’t there. Is she ignoring me or does she have a hearing problem? I gotta tell ya’ it was unnerving. How can I help you if you don’t answer me? Then it occurred to me like a frying pan on my noggin, literally…Are you just saying mommy...just to...say mommy? Yeeeees, I just like to say mommy! How many wacks with a frying pan does it take? About 3 weeks worth. I'll never tire of hearing her call me. I hear the appreciation she has for me in her voice even if it's just to say mommy. And that is enough for my Mother’s Day everyday of the year!

Thanks so much for visiting and remember to ALWAYS enjoy your own life's wild ride!

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